Seventh season of Frames of Mind organized by the Douglas Institute


The Douglas Mental Health University Institute presents the seventh season of Frames of Mind, its festival of film screenings and discussions of mental health issues, on May 6, 7, and 8.

Sophie-Andrée Blondin, science journalist on Radio-Canada’s broadcast Les Années lumière, has agreed to lead the discussions following the film screenings.

Interview with Sophie-Andrée Blondin, host of the 2010 Frames of Mind (in French)
Interview with Sophie-Andrée Blondin, host of the 2010 Frames of Mind (in French)
This year, the films and discussions will focus on mental health problems experienced by young people. On Thursday, May 6, the film Dédé à travers les brumes will be followed by a discussion with Johanne Renaud, a psychiatrist at the Douglas specializing in depressive disorders, along with Sylvie and Hélène, the sisters of Dédé Fortin.

On Friday, May 7, La peau et les os, après…, a documentary by Hélène Bélanger-Martin, will present a fascinating follow-up, eighteen years later, to La peau et les os, the powerful documentary by Johanne Prégent. Howard Steiger, psychologist and expert in eating disorders, the director, and Marie-Josée D’Amours, who has struggled with anorexia, will be on hand to speak with the audience.

Finally, on Saturday, May 8, we will see Un ange à la mer, the touching account of the distress experienced by a child to whom his father confides a terrible secret that will change his life. Gisèle Forget-Bordron, managing director of Parents et amis du bien-être mental du Sud-Ouest de Montréal, Jean-François Bélair, psychiatrist and chief of the Intensive Intervention Program and psychiatrist Johanne Renaud, chief of the Youth section of the Depressive Disorders Program will take part of the discussion.

For the seven years, the Frames of Mind movie nights serve to educate the public about mental health problems and dispel the taboo of mental illness to eliminate the prejudice against those who suffer from it. These evenings provide the general public with opportunities to obtain accurate information from recognized experts, hear personal experiences, and ask questions – all while enjoying a cultural outing.

Frames of Mind 2010 –Douglas Institute
Film screenings followed by discussions
Consult the complete program

Thursday, May 6, to Saturday, May 8, at 6 :30 p.m.

CinéRobothèque of the NFB
1564 Saint-Denis in Montréal. (Metro Berri-UQAM)
Montréal, QC


Florence Meney
Media Relation
Communications and public affairs
Phone: 514-761-6131, ext. 2769
Cell.: 514-835-3236

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