Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Rob Whitley, PhD

Researcher, Douglas Hospital Research Centre

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University



Carpenter-Song E., Hipolito M. M., Whitley R. (2012). "Right here is an oasis": how "recovery communities" contribute to recovery for people with serious mental illnesses, Psychiatr Rehabil J, 35(6), 435-40. Find out more.

Gonzalez J.M., Cortes D. E., Reeves T., Whitley R., Lopez L., Bond G. R., Velligan D. I., Miller A. L. (2012). Community mental health agency views of research, Community Ment Health J, 48(2), 223-31. Find out more.

Hipolito M. M., Malik M., Carpenter-Song E., Whitley R. (2012). Capacity-building for African American mental health training and research: lessons from the Howard-Dartmouth Collaborative summer school, Acad Psychiatry, 36(1), 47-50. Find out more.

Lewis S. E., Whitley R. (2012). A critical examination of "morality" in an age of evidence-based psychiatry, Cult Med Psychiatry, 36(4), 735-43. Find out more.

Whitley R. (2012). The antipsychiatry movement: dead, diminishing, or developing?, Psychiatr Serv, 63(10), 1039-41. Find out more.

Whitley R. (2012). "Thank you God": religion and recovery from dual diagnosis among low-income African Americans, Transcult Psychiatry, 49(1), 87-104. Find out more.

Whitley R. (2012). Religious competence as cultural competence, Transcult Psychiatry, 49(2), 245-60. Find out more.

Whitley R., Siantz E. (2012). Best practices: recovery centers for people with a mental illness: an emerging best practice?, Psychiatr Serv, 63(1), 10-12. Find out more.

Whitley R., Strickler D., Drake R.E. (2012). Recovery centers for people with severe mental illness: a survey of programs, Community Ment Health J, 48(5), 547-556. Find out more.

Wu C. Y., Whitley R., Stewart R., Liu S. I. (2012). Pathways to care and help-seeking experience prior to self-harm: a qualitative study in Taiwan, J Nurs Res, 20(1), 32-41. Find out more.

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  • - CIHR New Investigator Award
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