
It’s spring in Canada! Flowers are blooming, birds are singing and babies are being born. Researchers at the Douglas Hospital Research Centre may have advice for soon-to-be mothers. They are studying the effects of stress, birth complications and maternal care on infant brain development. Listed are some of their studies:

Sleep problems in children suffering from ADHD
Clinician and researcher Reut Gruber, PhD, is interested in studying the association between sleep and attention in children and infants with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Indeed, research shows that a high prevalence of sleep problems has been reported by parents of children diagnosed with ADHD and by clinicians. She is also treating sleep problems of children with ADHD.

The importance of Mother’s care
Michael Meaney, PhD, associate director of the Research Centre, is studying the role of maternal care on infant brain development. He was the first to identify that mom’s care influences the child’s reaction to stressful situations and the development of brain regions involved in emotional and cognitive responses to stress.

Schizophrenia, what are the risk factors?
Researcher Patricia Boksa, PhD, is looking at the link between complications during pregnancy and birth and the development of schizophrenia. Although the causes of schizophrenia are unknown, early environmental insults and genetics may play a role. Patricia Boksa is investigating Caesarean sections, maternal infections and fever during pregnancy and a lack of oxygen during birth as risk factors for schizophrenia.
Claire-Dominique Walker, PhD, director of the Neuroscience research division, is looking at the importance of mom’s touch in collaboration with Dr Johnston, from McGill University’s School of Nursing. They are studying the role of maternal comforting on reducing the effects of repeated pain in preterm infants. They are also looking at the consequences of early stress on infant brain development.


Florence Meney
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