
With the signing of two new research agreements in October, Douglas Hospital Research Centre (DRHC) expertise will be extended internationally. Mental health experts have agreed to participate in research collaborations with both the Institut de neurobiologie de la méditerranée (INMED) in France and the Howard Florey Institute (HFI) in Australia. These alliances will lead to a better understanding of the causes of mental disorders and to improved treatment.

“Theses two research collaborations are of great importance to the Douglas,” says Rémi Quirion, PhD, Scientific Director of Douglas Hospital Research Centre. “INMED and the Howard Florey Institute are both world renowned and working with them will be very rewarding. In addition, sharing our expertise and ideas with these international partners will benefit not only our patients but patients around the world.”

INMED, a public institution with a scientific and technological vocation, is devoted to human health. The Douglas and INMED have agreed to manage a joint thematic Research Program on Neuroscience. They will work together in the areas of mental health and illness; nervous system development; plasticity and repair; and neuronal cell death leading to neurodegenerative pathologies. Rémi Quirion, PhD, is the lead investigator for the Douglas. The DRHC and INMED believe their associations will lead to mutual benefits with scientific, medical, social and economic impacts.

The (HFI), one of Australia’s leading research institutes, is focused solely on neuroscience. HFI and the DRHC plan to create an exchange program for staff and students between the institutions; develop and share new technologies and platforms relevant to neuroscience; and increase the linkages in areas of clinical training and clinical translation of research. Rémi Quirion, PhD, Michael Meaney, PhD and Ashok Malla, MD, will be the lead Douglas investigators on this project.

The official signature of Douglas-INMED research agreement was held last Friday, October 6 at the Douglas Hospital. It was followed by a lecture by Yehezkel Ben-Ari, PhD, INMED’s Director, entitled "Excitatory actions of GABA in developing neurons: the nature of the nurture".

The official signature of the Douglas-HFI research agreement will be held October 23, 2006, at 11 a.m. at the Douglas Hospital’s Douglas Hall.