
Last week, Dr. Yves Bolduc was named Philippe Couillard’s successor as Minister of Health and Social Services in Quebec. On behalf of the Douglas Institute, I welcome him to his new position.

We are confident that we will be able to count on Dr. Bolduc’s cooperation just as we could count on that of his predecessor. The Douglas has already witnessed first hand his awareness of mental health issues: while acting as interim Director General at the Centre de santé et des service sociaux de la Vallée-de-l’Or, Dr. Bolduc worked with Hélène Racine, our Director of Nursing, to assess and improve the delivery of mental health services and care in this region.

I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge Dr. Couillard’s drive and vision, qualities that served him well as he undertook reforms to improve the health care system. For example, the Mental Health Action Plan (MHAP), among other projects, came about as a result of his initiative. In fact, Dr. Couillard made mental health one of his priorities as soon as he became Minister of Health and Social Services nearly six years ago. It should be recalled that Dr. Couillard participated in the inauguration of the Prevention and Early Intervention Program for Psychoses (PEPP-Montréal) at the Douglas in 2003 and that the Douglas became an institute in the course of his tenure.

It will be our pleasure to work with Dr. Bolduc on any project that can improve the condition of those affected by mental health disorders and that contributes to research and education efforts to bring patients hope for recovery.

Jacques Hendlisz,
Director General,
Douglas Mental Health University Institute