
Housing is a powerful vehicle for social integration, even more so for people suffering from severe mental disorders, as having an address can profoundly affect their ability to escape from marginality. Hébergement, logement et rétablissement en santé mentale [Housing, accommodation and recovery in mental health], published by Presses de l’Université du Québec, evaluates the various kinds of housing or accommodation support offered to these individuals.

Under the direction of Jean-François Pelletier, Myra Piat, Sonia Côté and Henri Dorvil, this book combines the knowledge of academics and management experts with the experiences of people who use mental health services to draw a portrait of the benefits and drawbacks of current models. It analyzes these models based on the values of recovery, which above all aim to help those with mental health problems return to their communities as citizens.

A reflection on how mental health practices should evolve, this book is for anyone working to socially reintegrate people who are stigmatized because of a mental health impairment.

Thursday, March 18, at 5 p.m.

University Club of Montreal, 2047 Mansfield Street


Alexandra Tousignant-Careau
Communications Coordinator
Presses de l'Université du Québec
418 657-4075, ext. 244