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Diane B. Boivin, MD, PhD

Founder/Director, Centre for Study and Treatment of Circadian Rhythms, Douglas Institute
Researcher, Douglas Institute
Full Professor, Department of Medecine, McGill University, Research Fellow in Sleep Disorders



Boivin D. (2002). Le décalage horaire, Clinicien, 17(8), 82-88.

Boivin D., James F. O. (2002). Phase-dependent effect of room light exposure in a 5-h advance of the sleep-wake cycle: implications for jet lag, J Biol Rhythms, 17(3), 266-76.

Boivin D., James F. O. (2002). Circadian adaptation to night-shift work by judicious light and darkness exposure, J Biol Rhythms, 17(6), 556-67.

Santo J. B., Chevrier E., L'Espérance P., Boivin D. (2002). REM sleep across the menstrual cycle in women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder, Int J Bioelectromagnetism, 4, 251-252.

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  • - SRS Young Investigator Award
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