March 21, 2010
Section : Mental Health Info

Is there a possible passive vaccine for Alzheimer's? (Antibodies directed against the protein found in the senile plaque)

November 13, 2012
Section : Career

The PREVENT-AD program at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute is currently seeking a full-time research assistant. Our research focuses on treatments aimed at preventing or delaying the onset of Alzheimer’s disease in an at-risk population.

September 06, 2012
Section : Career

The PREVENT-AD program at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute is currently seeking a full-time research assistant. Our research focuses on treatments aimed at preventing or delaying the onset of Alzheimer’s disease in an at-risk population.

September 08, 2012
Section : Mental Health Info

Je viens tout juste apprendre qu'une de mes tantes, et une de mes grand-meres de l,autre coté de la famille, sont toutes deux atteintes de la maladie d'alzheimer... ma tante ça fait un an qu'ont le sait, mais ma grand-mere ,après plusieurs coup de téléphone sans réponse,j'ai réussi a rejoindre [...]