
The Douglas Institute Foundation raised $220 215 at its 14th annual benefit, Open Minds, on March 22, which offered guests “an opportunity to understand the nature of mood”. The funds raised will be used by specialists and researchers to advance scientific knowledge and integrate it into patient care.

The menu, décor, and lighting were chosen in collaboration with researchers at the Institute to positively affect the way people felt throughout the night.

Mimi Israël, MD, Psychiatrist-in-Chief at the Douglas Institute, spoke about the stigma faced by people who live with mental illness. Rémi Quirion, OC, PhD, Scientific Director of the Research Centre at the Douglas Institute, reinforced the importance of the Institute’s brain imaging center, which will soon open and be the first brain imaging centre in Québec entirely dedicated to mental health treatment and research.

The Douglas Institute Foundation would like to thank its sponsors, donors, and volunteers for making the benefit a success again this year. With your generous support, you invest in healthy minds.

Orange Sponsors

Pink Sponsors

Banque de Montréal
Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec
Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg
Dym Family Foundation
Eli Lilly
Fasken Martineau
Gestion Cristallin
Gestion d’actifs Burgundy
Investissements Standard Life
McCarthy Tétrault
Les médecins du Programme des troubles de l’humeur, d’anxiété et d’impulsivité (THAI) de l’Institut Douglas
Ogilvy Renault
Rio Tinto Alcan
SAS Canada
Telus Solutions en santé
Transat A.T. inc.
Triasima Inc.

Blue Sponsor

Gestion Tasc Inc.