From neurobiology and pharmacology to the treatment of mood disorders



Dr. Serge Beaulieu, Medical Chief of the Mood, Anxiety and Impulsivity Disorders Program and the Bipolar Disorders Program at the Douglas Institute, invites professionals and students to attend a specialized symposium on mood disorders on Friday, February 20, 2015.

The one-day symposium will feature workshops and seminars led by Sonia Lupien and Valérie Tourjman of the Institut en santé mentale de Montréal and Pierre Blier of the University of Ottawa.

The symposium’s key areas of focus include the treatment of mood disorders and complex and refractory mood disorders, the theoretical basis of stress implication and inflammatory phenomena in mood disorders, and practical clinical tools for the management and evaluation of stress and cognitive deficits.


  • Free to students (with valid ID card)
  • NPO members: $75
  • Professionals: $100

For more information and to register, please visit our web page: “From translational neurobiology to clinical treatment of complex cases