Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Claire-Dominique Walker, Ph.D.

Directrice, Division de recherche en neurosciences, Institut Douglas
Chercheuse, Institut Douglas
Professeure titulaire, Départements de psychiatrie et d'anatomie et biologie cellulaire, Université McGill



Boyer K., Johnston C., Walker C., Filion F., Sherrard A. (2004). Does sucrose analgesia promote physiologic stability in preterm neonates?, Biol Neonate, 85(1), 26-31.

Ellenbogen M. A., Hodgins S., Walker C. (2004). High levels of cortisol among adolescent offspring of parents with bipolar disorder: a pilot study, Psychoneuroendocrinology, 29(1), 99-106.

James F. O., Walker C., Boivin D. (2004). Controlled exposure to light and darkness realigns the salivary cortisol rhythm in night shift workers, Chronobiol Intl, 21(6), 1-12.

Salzmann C., Otis M., Long H., Roberge C., Gallo-Payet N., Walker C. (2004). Inhibition of steroidogenic response to adrenocorticotropin by leptin: implications for the adrenal response to maternal separation in neonatal rats, Endocrinology, 145(4), 1810-22.

Walker C., Deschamps S., Proulx K., Tu M., Salzman C., Woodside B., Lupien S. J., Gallo-Payet N., Richard D. (2004). Mother to infant or infant to mother? Reciprocal regulation of responsiveness to stress in rodents and the implications for humans, J Psychiatry Neurosci, 29(5), 364-382.

Walker C., Salzmann C., Long H., Otis M., Roberge C., Gallo-Payet N. (2004). Direct inhibitory effects of leptin on the neonatal adrenal and potential consequences for brain glucocorticoid feedback, Endocr Res, 30(4), 837-44.

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Inauguration du Centre de neurophénotypage