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Claire-Dominique Walker, PhD

Director, Neuroscience Research Division, Douglas Institute
Researcher, Douglas Institute
Full Professor, Department of Psychiatry, and Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology, McGill University



Boyer K., Johnston C., Walker C., Filion F., Sherrard A. (2004). Does sucrose analgesia promote physiologic stability in preterm neonates?, Biol Neonate, 85(1), 26-31.

Ellenbogen M. A., Hodgins S., Walker C. (2004). High levels of cortisol among adolescent offspring of parents with bipolar disorder: a pilot study, Psychoneuroendocrinology, 29(1), 99-106.

James F. O., Walker C., Boivin D. (2004). Controlled exposure to light and darkness realigns the salivary cortisol rhythm in night shift workers, Chronobiol Intl, 21(6), 1-12.

Salzmann C., Otis M., Long H., Roberge C., Gallo-Payet N., Walker C. (2004). Inhibition of steroidogenic response to adrenocorticotropin by leptin: implications for the adrenal response to maternal separation in neonatal rats, Endocrinology, 145(4), 1810-22.

Walker C., Deschamps S., Proulx K., Tu M., Salzman C., Woodside B., Lupien S. J., Gallo-Payet N., Richard D. (2004). Mother to infant or infant to mother? Reciprocal regulation of responsiveness to stress in rodents and the implications for humans, J Psychiatry Neurosci, 29(5), 364-382.

Walker C., Salzmann C., Long H., Otis M., Roberge C., Gallo-Payet N. (2004). Direct inhibitory effects of leptin on the neonatal adrenal and potential consequences for brain glucocorticoid feedback, Endocr Res, 30(4), 837-44.

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  • - CCNP Young Investigator Award
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Neurophenotyping Center inauguration (in French)