Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Myra Piat, PhD

Researcher, Douglas Institute Clinical activities, Knowledge Transfer and Teaching Directorate,
Assistant Professor, Departments of Psychiatry, McGill University



Piat M., Lesage A., Boyer R., Dorvil H., Couture A., Grenier G., Bloom D. (2008). Housing for persons with serious mental illness: consumer and service provider preferences, Psychiatr Serv, 59(9), 1011-7.

Piat M., Lesage A., Dorvil H., Boyer R., Couture A., Bloom D. (2008). [Housing preferences of people with severe mental illness: a descriptive study], Sante Ment Que, 33(2), 247-69.

Piat M., Ricard N., Sabetti J., Beauvais L. (2008). Building life around foster home versus moving on: the competing needs of people living in foster homes, Psychiatr Rehabil J, 32(1), 32-9.

Piat M., Ricard N., Sabetti J., Beauvais L. (2008). From the real frontline: the unique contributions of mental health caregivers in Canadian foster homes, Health Soc Work, 33(1), 43-53.

Piat M., Sabetti J., Couture A. (2008). Do consumers use the word "recovery"?, Psychiatr Serv, 59(4), 446-7.

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Recovery in mental health: a 2008 lecture by Myra Piat (in French)
The Recovery movement: a 2009 lecture by Myra Piat– Part 1
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