Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Jacques Tremblay, M.D.

Président, Conseil des médecins, dentistes et pharmaciens, Institut Douglas
Chercheur, Institut Douglas
Professeur adjoint, département de psychiatrie, Université McGill
Secrétaire-trésorier, Association des CMDP du Québec



Brown T., Dongier M., Ouimet M. C., Tremblay J., Chanut F., Legault L., Ng Ying Kin N. M. (2010). Brief motivational interviewing for DWI recidivists who abuse alcohol and are not participating in DWI intervention: a randomized controlled trial, Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 34(2), 292-301.

Couture S., Brown T., Tremblay J., Ying Kin N., Ouimet M. C., Nadeau L. (2010). Are biomarkers of chronic alcohol misuse useful in the assessment of DWI recidivism status?, Accid Anal Prev, 42(1), 307-12.

Fleury M., Bamvita J.-M., Aubé D., Tremblay J. (2010). Clinical practice settings associated with GPs taking on patients with mental disorders, Healthcare Policy, 5(4), 90-104.

Fleury M., Bamvita J.M., Tremblay J., Lesage A. (2010). Extent and Determinants of General Practitioner Referrals and Contacts With Mental Health Care Providers, Can J Commun Ment Health, 29(2).

Fleury M., Piat M., Grenier G., Bamvita J. M., Boyer R., Lesage A., Tremblay J. (2010). Components Associated with Adequacy of Help for Consumers with Severe Mental Disorders, Adm Policy Ment Health, 37 (6 ), 497-508.

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