March 21, 2010
Section : Mental Health Info

What percent of Down's Syndrome patients develop Alzheimer's?

March 21, 2010
Section : Mental Health Info

What causes anxiety in children? What kinds of stress or anxiety do children have?

March 21, 2010
Section : Mental Health Info

Why do anxiety disorders seem much more prevalent today than twenty years ago?

March 21, 2010
Section : Mental Health Info

How can you say people with mental illness are as likely to commit crimes as the general public when it 's obvious that someone who commits a crime is mentally ill?

December 19, 2012
Section : Career

Person who directly tends to the education and re-education of beneficiaries, within an institution or externally, according to the programs established in collaboration with the existing professional team, in view of rehabilitation/or reinsertion of

December 11, 2012
Section : Career

Person who performs work related to staff management, financial management and to work organization; as well as planning and executing complex administrative tasks by compiling and analyzing data. This job also entails the responsibility of the admini

October 05, 2012
Section : Career

Person who uses electronic devices to perceive motion or electric currents emitted by organs or biological systems. She/he prepares the user, installs electrodes, ensure the proper functioning of the devices and accurate recording of data, either on p

August 22, 2013
Section : Mental Health Info

Bonjour à tous , Aujourd'hui je vais vous raconter un résumer mon histoire. Tout débuta lorsque j'étais une toute petite fille. J'ai été dans des familles d'accueuil, car ma mère avait beaucoup de problèmes et elle n'avait pas la force et l'énergie de m'élever. Alors, j'ai du m'éduquer seul[...]

May 22, 2012
Section : Mental Health Info

August 08, 2011
Section : Mental Health Info

J'apprend a l'age de 48 ans que j'ai le déficit de l'attention. Plus je m'informe sur le sujet plus je comprend les comportements en lien avec ce déficit , t'el l'impulsivité , difficulté a mes études primaire et universitaires et la mauvaise estime de soi , que je vis depuis mon enfance.j'avai[...]