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Diane B. Boivin, M.D., Ph.D.

Fondatrice/directrice, Centre d'étude et de traitement des rythmes circadiens, Institut Douglas
Chercheuse, Institut Douglas
Professeure titulaire, Département de médecine, Université McGill



Boivin D. (2002). Le décalage horaire, Clinicien, 17(8), 82-88.

Boivin D., James F. O. (2002). Phase-dependent effect of room light exposure in a 5-h advance of the sleep-wake cycle: implications for jet lag, J Biol Rhythms, 17(3), 266-76.

Boivin D., James F. O. (2002). Circadian adaptation to night-shift work by judicious light and darkness exposure, J Biol Rhythms, 17(6), 556-67.

Santo J. B., Chevrier E., L'Espérance P., Boivin D. (2002). REM sleep across the menstrual cycle in women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder, Int J Bioelectromagnetism, 4, 251-252.

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Prix et distinctions :
  • - SRS Young Investigator Award
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