Section : The Douglas
Directed by N.M.K. Ng Ying Kin, PhD, the laboratory measures putative biological markers for various psychiatric conditions and treatment-resistance to usual medications.
Section : Mental Health Info
Circadian Rhythms: what are they and how do they influence sleep and fatigue ?
Section : The Douglas
MGSS is studying the molecular and cellular changes taking place in the brains of individuals that become depressed and commit suicide.
Section : The Douglas
The basic and clinical research is oriented towards the long-term consequences for the brain of early perinatal and neonatal exposure to stressors.
Section : Mental Health Info
Understanding eating disorders and their causes is essential to preventing and treating them.
Section : Research
Claire-Dominique Walker investigates the consequences of early stress on brain development and the neuroendocrine responses to stress.
Section : News
The number of days an expectant mother was deprived of electricity during Quebec’s Ice Storm predicts the epigenetic profile of her child.
Section : News
Lack of sleep in young people: three institutions sound the alarm
Section : News
Improved treatments may be on the way for some 280,000 Canadians with Alzheimer’s disease.