
A few weeks ago at the Douglas Institute, members of the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQ-S) gave aperfect mark to the collective activities of the Research Centre.

The arrival of researcher Brigitte Kieffer as the Centre’s Director in January 2014 has certainly played a critical role in this achievement.

Among these honours, two research themes stood out as exceptional: the Mood, Anxiety, and Impulsivity-Related Disorders and the Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease ones. Schizophrenia and Neurodevelopmental Disorders, as well as Services, Policy and Population Health both received a mention of excellence.

The strengths of the Research Centre were unanimously recognized by the members of the FRQ-S committee: quality of research and calibre of the researchers, excellent scientific productivity, visibility in the global media, national and international activities and collaborations, as well as strong clinical components.

We are very proud to be able to count on our competent and invested researchers who tirelessly work towards our common objective, which is to improve the lives of our users.

We must also highlight the essential support of McGill University in all of the Centre’s activities.