Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Fabrice Jollant, M.D., Ph.D.

Chercheur, Institut Douglas
Professeur adjoint, Département de psychiatrie, Université McGill
Psychiatre, Institut Douglas



Baud P., Perroud N., Courtet P., Jaussent I., Relecom C., Jollant F., Malafosse A. (2009). Modulation of anger control in suicide attempters by TPH-1, Genes Brain Behav, 8(1), 97-100. En savoir plus.

Besnier N., Gavaudan G., Navez A., Adida M., Jollant F., Courtet P., Lancon C. (2009). [Clinical features of suicide occurring in schizophrenia (I). Risk-factors identification], Encephale, 35(2), 176-81. En savoir plus.

Guillaume S., Jollant F., Jaussent I., Lawrence N., Malafosse A., Courtet P. (2009). Somatic markers and explicit knowledge are both involved in decision-making, Neuropsychologia, 47(10), 2120-4. En savoir plus.

Guipponi M., Deutsch S., Kohler K., Perroud N., Le Gal F., Vessaz M., Laforge T., Petit B., Jollant F., Guillaume S., Baud P., Courtet P., La Harpe R., Malafosse A. (2009). Genetic and epigenetic analysis of SSAT gene dysregulation in suicidal behavior, Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet, 150B(6), 799-807. En savoir plus.

Jollant F. (2009). [Severe depression : functional neuroanatomy], Encephale, 35 Suppl 7, S301-5. En savoir plus.

Lawrence N. S., Jollant F., O'Daly O., Zelaya F., Phillips M. L. (2009). Distinct roles of prefrontal cortical subregions in the Iowa Gambling Task, Cereb Cortex, 19(5), 1134-43. En savoir plus.

Oldershaw A., Grima E., Jollant F., Richards C., Simic M., Taylor L., Schmidt U. (2009). Decision making and problem solving in adolescents who deliberately self-harm, Psychol Med, 39(1), 95-104. En savoir plus.

Sarchiapone M., Jaussent I., Roy A., Carli V., Guillaume S., Jollant F., Malafosse A., Courtet P. (2009). Childhood trauma as a correlative factor of suicidal behavior - via aggression traits. Similar results in an Italian and in a French sample, Eur Psychiatry, 24(1), 57-62. En savoir plus.

Slama F., Courtet P., Golmard J. L., Mathieu F., Guillaume S., Yon L., Jollant F., Misson H., Jaussent I., Leboyer M., Bellivier F. (2009). Admixture analysis of age at first suicide attempt, J Psychiatr Res, 43(10), 895-900. En savoir plus.

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  • - Jeune chercheur de l’Association Européenne de Psychiatrie (AEP)
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