Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Pedro Rosa-Neto, M.D., Ph.D.

Chercheur, Institut Douglas
Directeur du Laboratoire de neuroimagerie translationnelle
Professeur adjoint, départements de Neurologie et Neurochirurgie et de Psychiatrie, Université McGill



Aznavour N., Benkelfat C. , Gravel P., Aliaga A., Rosa-Neto P., Beddell B., Zimmer L., Descarries L. (2009). MicroPET imaging of 5-HT 1A receptors in rat brain: a test-retest [18F]MPPF study, Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 36(1), 53-62.

Chakravarty M. M., Broadbent S., Rosa-Neto P., Lambert C. M., Collins D. L. (2009). Design, construction, and validation of an MRI-compatible vibrotactile stimulator intended for clinical use, J Neurosci Methods , 184 (1 ), 129-35.

Chakravarty M. M., Rosa-Neto P., Broadbent S., Evans A. C., Collins D. L. (2009). Robust S1, S2, and thalamic activations in individual subjects with vibrotactile stimulation at 1.5 and 3.0 T, Hum Brain Mapp , 30 (4 ), 1328-37.

Massarweh G., Kovacevic M., Rosa-Neto P., Evans A. C., Diksic M., Schirrmacher R. (2009). Time-efficient and convenient synthesis of [(18)F]altanserin for human PET imaging by a new work-up procedure, Appl Radiat Isot , 67 (11 ), 2040-3.

Oishi K., Faria A., Jiang H., Li X., Akhter K., Zhang J., Hsu J. T., Miller M. I., van Zijl P. C., Albert M., Lyketsos C. G., Woods R., Toga A. W., Pike G. B., Rosa-Neto P., Evans A., Mazziotta J., Mori S. (2009). Atlas-based whole brain white matter analysis using large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping: application to normal elderly and Alzheimer's disease participants, Neuroimage , 46 (2 ), 486-99.

Rosa-Neto P., Wangler B., Iovkova L., Boening G., Reader A., Jurkschat K., Schirrmacher E. (2009). [18F]SiFA-isothiocyanate: a new highly effective radioactive labeling agent for lysine-containing proteins, Chembiochem , 10 (8 ), 1321-4.

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