Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Johanne Renaud, MD, MSc, FRCPC

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Medical Chief of the Child Psychiatry Program,
Douglas Institute
Associate Professor of Psychiatry, McGill University
Manulife Senior Fellow in Teen Mental Health,
Manulife Centre for Breakthroughs in Teen Depression and Suicide Prevention



Artenie A. A., Bruneau J., Roy E., Zang G., Lesperance F., Renaud J., Tremblay J., Jutras-Aswad D. (2015). Licit and illicit substance use among people who inject drugs and the association with subsequent suicidal attempt, Addiction, 110(10), 1636-43. Find out more.

Artenie A. A., Bruneau J., Zang G., Lesperance F., Renaud J., Tremblay J., Jutras-Aswad D. (2015). Associations of substance use patterns with attempted suicide among persons who inject drugs: can distinct use patterns play a role?, Drug Alcohol Depend, 147, 208-14. Find out more.

Consoli A., Cohen D., Bodeau N., Guilé J.M., Mirkovic B., Knafo A., Mahé V., Laurent C., Renaud J., Labelle R., Breton J.J., Gérardin P. (2015). Risk and Protective Factors for Suicidality at 6-Month Follow-up in Adolescent Inpatients Who Attempted Suicide: An Exploratory Model, Can J Psychiatry, 60(2 Suppl 1), S-27-S36.

Knafo A., Guilé J.M., Breton J.J., Labelle R., Belloncle V., Bodeau N., Boudailliez B., Garny de la Rivière S., Kharij B., Mille C., Mirkovic B., Pripis C., Renaud J., Vervel C., Cohen D., Gérardin P. (2015). Coping Strategies Associated With Suicidal Behaviour in Adolescent Inpatients With Borderline Personality Disorder, Can J Psychiatry, 60(2 Suppl 1), S46-S54.

Lesage A., Renaud J., Kouassi E., Vincent P. (2015). Canadian ADHD black-box warnings, Lancet Psychiatry, 2(12), 1057. Find out more.

Mbekou V., MacNeil S., Gignac M., Renaud J. (2015). Parent–Youth Agreement on Self-Reported Competencies of Youth With Depressive and Suicidal Symptoms, Can J Psychiatry, 60(2 Suppl 1), S55-S60.

Mbekou V., MacNeil S., Mikedis T., Malinski C., Zanga J.C., Renaud J. (2015). Family Functioning and Parental Invalidation of Depressed Adolescents with Borderline Personality Disorder Traits, J Child Adolesc Behav, 3(4), 1-7.

Rahme E., Low N. C., Lamarre S., Turecki G., Bonin J. P., Diane Daneau R. N., Habel Y., Yung E. C., Morin S., Szkrumelak N., Singh S., Renaud J., Lesage A. (2015). Attempted Suicide Among Students and Young Adults in Montreal, Quebec, Canada: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study of Hospitalized and Nonhospitalized Suicide Attempts Based on Chart Review, Prim Care Companion CNS Disord, 17(5). Find out more.

Tourian L., LeBoeuf A., Breton J.J., Cohen D., Gignac M., Labelle R., Guile J.M., Renaud J. (2015). Treatment Options for the Cardinal Symptoms of Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder - , J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 24(1), 41-54. Find out more.

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Awards and distinctions :
  • - Klerman Prize Honorable Mention
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Instability of the child’s developing mind: a 2007 lecture by Johanne Renaud (in French)
Teenage angst or full-blown depression? A 2012 lecture by Johanne Renaud