International stature researchers

More thant sixty researchers and clinicians work at the Douglas Institute Research Centre, three of which are among the most highly cited neuroscientists in the world. With their team, they produce some 215 scientific publications every year.

Recognized as a flagship centre by the Fonds de la recherche du Québec-Santé (FRQ-S), the Research Centre sets itself apart with innovative research projects in the neurosciences, clinical and psychosocial divisions.


Leading practices

The Douglas has received recognition for the excellence of three leading practices by Accreditation Canada: Mini-Psych School, a yearly event that provides easily accessible information about the brain and mental disorders, the Knowledge Transfer Program on Eating Disorder (ED) that stimulate shared care arrangements with community partners, and the CADRE program that facilitates reinsertion of people with mental health problem in the workplace.


A unique brain bank

Established in 1980, the Douglas - Bell Canada Brain Bank is the oldest brain bank in Canada, and the only bank of its kind in the country that is still operational.

With nearly 3000 human brains, it is a unique resource for research on neurodegenerative and psychiatric diseases


A Brain Imaging Centre (BIC) dedicated exclusively to mental health

The BIC is a new, cutting-edge facility with two magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners that will is used for studies of brain function.It also houses clinical research laboratories in experimental neuroscience. With its world-class platform, it can carry out the full research cycle, from molecule to human being, at a single site.


Healthy employees

The Douglas Institute has become the first mental health institution in the province to be granted Healthy Enterprise certification by the Bureau de normalisation du Québec (BNQ).

This certification attests to the Douglas Institute's commitment towards the overall health of its employees.


Innovative clinicians

The Conseil québécois d’agrément (CQA) awarded the Douglas Institute with Milieu Novateur certification.

This certification reflects the Douglas Institute's commitment to provide care and services that focus on patients and their families, like mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for bipolar disorders.


An exceptional site

The Douglas Institute is built on a165 acres campus, lined with old maples, facing the St. Lawrence river in Verdun.

The Douglas is green and has an environmental protection, management and development policy to reduce its environmental footprint.


A Collaborating Centre to the World Health Organization (WHO)

In 1982, WHO designated the Douglas Institute as the first Collaborating Centre for research and training in mental health in Canada.

Since then, the Collaborating Centre is active in Latin American countries where there are clear mental health needs and a glaring lack of mental health specialists.