Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Jens Pruessner, Ph.D.

Directeur, thème Vieillissement et maladie d’Alzheimer, Institut Douglas
Directeur, Centre McGill d’études sur le vieillissement
Chercheur, Institut Douglas
Professeur agrégé, Départements de psychologie, de psychiatrie, de neurologie et de neurochirurgie, Université McGill



Boccardi M., Ganzola R., Bocchetta M., Pievani M., Redolfi A., Bartzokis G., Camicioli R., Csernansky J. G., de Leon M. J., deToledo-Morrell L., Killiany R. J., Lehericy S., Pantel J., Pruessner J., Soininen H., Watson C., Duchesne S., Jack C. R., Frisoni G. B. (2011). Survey of protocols for the manual segmentation of the hippocampus: preparatory steps towards a joint EADC-ADNI harmonized protocol, J Alzheimers Dis, 26 Suppl 3, 61-75. En savoir plus.

Engert V., Efanov S.I., Dedovic K., Dagher A., Pruessner J. (2011). Increased cortisol awakening response and afternoon/evening cortisol output in healthy young adults with low early life parental care, Psychopharmacology, 214(1), 261-268. En savoir plus.

Engert V., Vogel S., Efanov S.I., Duchesne A., Corbo V., Ali N., Pruessner J. (2011). Investigation into the cross-correlation of salivary cortisol and alpha-amylase responses to psychological stress, Psychoneuroendocrinology, 36(9), 1294-1302. En savoir plus.

Hu S., Coupe P., Pruessner J., Collins D.L. (2011). Appearance-based modeling for segmentation of hippocampus and amygdala using multi-contrast MR imaging, Neuroimage, 58(2), 549-559. En savoir plus.

Jones A., Steeden J.A., Pruessner J., Deanfield J.E., Taylor A.M., Muthurangu V. (2011). Detailed assessment of the hemodynamic response to psychosocial stress using real-time MRI, J Magn Reson Imaging, 33(2), 448-454. En savoir plus.

Juster R. P., Marin M. F., Sindi S., Nair N., Ying Kin N., Pruessner J., Lupien S. J. (2011). Allostatic load associations to acute, 3-year and 6-year prospective depressive symptoms in healthy older adults, Physiol Behav, 104(2), 360-4. En savoir plus.

Juster R.P., Sindi S., Marin M.F., Perna A., Hashemi A., Pruessner J., Lupien S.J. (2011). A clinical allostatic load index is associated with burnout symptoms and hypocortisolemic profiles in healthy workers, Psychoneuroendocrinology, 36(6), 797-805. En savoir plus.

Lederbogen F., Kirsch P., Haddad L., Streit F., Tost H., Schuch P., Wust S., Pruessner J., Rietschel M., Deuschle M., Meyer-Lindenberg A. (2011). City living and urban upbringing affect neural social stress processing in humans, Nature, 474(7352), 498-501. En savoir plus.

Lupien S.J., Parent S., Evans A.C., Tremblay R.E., Zelazo P.D., Corbo V., Pruessner J., Seguin J.R. (2011). Larger amygdala but no change in hippocampal volume in 10-year-old children exposed to maternal depressive symptomatology since birth, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 108(34), 14324-14329. En savoir plus.

Marca R.L., Waldvogel P., Thorn H., Tripod M., Wirtz P.H., Pruessner J., Ehlert U. (2011). Association between Cold Face Test-induced vagal inhibition and cortisol response to acute stress, Psychophysiology, 48(3), 420-429. En savoir plus.

Matousek R.H., Pruessner J., Dobkin P.L. (2011). Changes in the cortisol awakening response (CAR) following participation in mindfulness-based stress reduction in women who completed treatment for breast cancer, Complement Ther Clin Pract, 17(2), 65-70. En savoir plus.

Soliman A., O'Driscoll G.A., Pruessner J., Joober R., Ditto B., Streicker E., Goldberg Y., Caro J., Rekkas P.V., Dagher A. (2011). Limbic response to psychosocial stress in schizotypy: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study, , 131(1-3), 184-191. En savoir plus.

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  • - Prix CCNP Jeune Chercheur
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