Animal assisted therapy: Raymond Plouffe retires 2015-03-25
Our head of animal-assisted therapy, Raymond Plouffe, is retiring after 35 years of hard work with our patients. Animal-assisted therapy, or zootherapy, is used in the care of children, teenagers, ...

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Homeless count: a fruitful night 2015-03-24
On tuesday night, march 24th, the homeless street count I COUNT MTL 2015 sent out 800 volunteers accompanied by team leaders through the streets of Montreal to meet and count homeless people. Mand...

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Myths and reality about NCRs 2015-03-19
New research brings clearer understanding of people found Not Criminally Responsible
Not criminally responsible is a phrase that conjures up fears fuelled by vast media coverage of high-profile cases in which individuals with severe mental illness have committed violent offences. Y...

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Lynne McVey appointed as the Associate President-Director General of the Montreal-West-Island Integrated University Health and Social Services Centre (IUHSSC) 2015-03-17
The Minister of Health announced today the appointment of Lynne McVey as the Associate President-Director General of the Montreal-West-Island IUHSSC. This appointment follows that of the President...

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5/30 Health and Wellness Challenge 2015-03-10
Now in its 11th year, the 5/30 Challenge is as popular as ever. Its objective is to encourage Quebecers to eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day, get at least 30 minutes of physical...

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Lynne McVey enthusiastically welcomes the appointment of Benoît Morin as the head of the CIUSSS de l’Ouest de l’Île-de-Montréal 2015-03-06
Lynne McVey, RN, M.Sc., Executive Director of the Douglas University Institute, warmly welcomes the appointment of Benoît Morin as the head of the Centre intégré universitaire de la santé et des ...

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Deconstructing mental illness through ultradian rhythms 2015-02-21
Might living a structured life with regularly established meal times and early bedtimes lead to a better life and perhaps even prevent the onset of mental illness? That’s what’s suggested in a stud...

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Major meeting of experts 2015-02-12
From neurobiology and pharmacology to the treatment of mood disorders
  Dr. Serge Beaulieu, Medical Chief of the Mood, Anxiety and Impulsivity Disorders Program and the Bipolar Disorders Program at the Douglas Institute, invites professionals and students to atten...

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Anorexia Nervosa 2015-02-08
New research underlines the importance of getting help before chronicity sets in
A study led by Howard Steiger, PhD, head of the Douglas Mental Health University Institute Eating Disorders Program (EDP), in Montreal, in collaboration with Linda Booij, a researcher with Sainte-J...

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National Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2015-01-31
“Eating disorders: it’s not about the food”
February 1 to 7, 2015, marks National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. This year’s theme is “Eating disorders: it’s not about the food.” The Douglas Mental Health University Institute, which offers...

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