The McGill Group for Suicide Studies (MGSS) is interested in the investigation of risk factors associated with suicidal behaviour and related conditions - such as major depressive disorder – using a range of different approaches and methodologies.

This multidisciplinary team is unique in Canada and is one of the only programs of its kind in the world.

The primary objective of the MGSS is to understand what makes people at risk for suicide. To do so, it uses different research strategies based on the investigation of brain tissue, the genome, clinical factors and the social environment.

One of the key questions investigated by the MGSS is what happens, at the molecular and cellular level, in the brains of individuals before they die by suicide.

Another important question investigated by the MGSS is how environmental adversity and experiences of abuse can impact brain biology and increase suicide risk

Similarly important are questions related to the role of clinical and personality factors, development, access to services and treatment.


Do you need help? Are you, or is someone you know, experiencing a suicidal crisis? Are you mourning, due to someone's suicide?
Consult the resources

Douglas Institute
McGill Group for Suicide Studies
Jacques Richard
Frank B. Common Pavilion, F-2101
6875 LaSalle Boulevard
Montreal, Quebec H4H 1R3

Tel. : 514-761-6131, ext. 3368
Toll-Free: 1-800-256-6888
Fax : 514-762-3023