Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Ashok Malla, MD, FRCPC

Director, Prevention and Early Intervention Program for Psychoses
PEPP-Montréal), Douglas Institute
Professor, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University
Canada Research Chair in Early Psychosis



Buchy L. , Malla A., Joober R., Lepage M. (2009). Delusions are associated with low self-reflectiveness in first-episode psychosis, Schizophr Res, 112(1-3), 187-191.

Faridi K., Pawliuk N., King S., Joober R., Malla A. (2009). Prevalence of psychotic and non-psychotic disorders in relatives of patients with a first episode psychosis, Schizophr Res , 114 (1-3 ), 57-63.

Menezes N. M., Malla A., Norman R. M., Archie S., Roy P., Zipursky R. B. (2009). A multi-site Canadian perspective: examining the functional outcome from first-episode psychosis, Acta Psychiatr Scand , 120 (2 ), 138-46.

Rabinovitch M., Bechard-Evans L., Schmitz N., Joober R., Malla A. (2009). Early predictors of nonadherence to antipsychotic therapy in first-episode psychosis, Can J Psychiatry , 54 (1 ), 28-35.

Schmitz N., Nitka D., Gariepy G., Malla A., Wang J., Boyer R., Messier L., Strychar I., Lesage A. (2009). Association between neighborhood-level deprivation and disability in a community sample of people with diabetes, Diabetes Care, 32(11).

Schmitz N., Wang J., Malla A., Lesage A. (2009). The impact of psychological distress on functional disability in asthma: results from the Canadian community health survey, Psychosomatics, 50(1), 42-49.

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Awards and distinctions :
  • - Exemplary Psychiatrist Award
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Find out more :
Complicated but rare : schizophrenia and bipolar disorders. A 2007 lecture by Ridha Joober (Q&A in French)
Complicated but rare : schizophrenia and bipolar disorders. A 2007 lecture by Ridha Joober (in French)