Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Myra Piat, PhD

Researcher, Douglas Institute Clinical activities, Knowledge Transfer and Teaching Directorate,
Assistant Professor, Departments of Psychiatry, McGill University



Pelletier J.-F., Piat M., Côté S., Dorvil H. (2009). Hébergement, logement et rétablissement en santé mentale : Pourquoi et comment faire évoluer les pratiques? , Collection Problèmes sociaux et interventions sociales . Presse de l'Université du Québec.

Piat M., Barker J., Goering P. (2009). A major Canadian initiative to address mental health and homelessness, Can J Nurs Res , 41 (2 ), 79-82.

Piat M., Sabetti J. (2009). The development of a recovery-oriented mental health system in Canada: What the experience of Commonwealth countries tells us, Can Community Ment Health J, 28(2), 17-33.

Piat M., Sabetti J., Bloom D. (2009). The importance of medication in consumer definitions of recovery from serious mental illness: a qualitative study, Issues Ment Health Nurs , 30 (8 ), 482-90.

Piat M., Sabetti J., Couture A., Sylvestre J., Provencher H., Botschner J., Stayner D. (2009). What does recovery mean for me? Perspectives of canadian mental health consumers, Psychiatr Rehabil J , 32 (3 ), 199-207.

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Recovery in mental health: a 2008 lecture by Myra Piat (in French)
The Recovery movement: a 2009 lecture by Myra Piat– Part 1
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