Teaching the ABC's of sleep 2007-04-04
Douglas team educates children about good bedtime habits
Spring has arrived bringing with it longer days and later nights. While staying up later may be appealing, the habit may have harmful consequences, especially for children. According to Douglas ...

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Gilbert Tremblay:a class ACT 2007-03-23
"I spend a lot of time in the community with patients. There's still a great deal of stigma, but attitudes are changing for the better," says Douglas psychologist Gilbert Tremblay. "Public educa...

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Rose Rheault: housing for all 2007-03-23
Stirring the Pot "I always like to stir the pot up a bit," chuckles Rose Rheault, as she reminisces about her career in social work. "If the way things are isn't good enough, I fight to make them ...

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Douglas Hospital and Research Centre become Douglas Mental Health University Institute 2007-03-21
The face of one of Montréal’s oldest mental healthcare hospitals is changing. After 125 years, the Douglas’ image is being updated with the launch of a new logo to denote its recent status as a Men...

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Political violence, natural disasters and mental health impact 2007-03-20
A Douglas-led team of world health researchers search for effective interventions for disadvantaged civilian populations
Western-based clinical and psychosocial intervention models used by humanitarian organizations often have constraints in meeting the needs of local, non-Western civilian populations. In addition, t...

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Know Your Brain: Montreal universities, institutes and research centres team up for Brain Awareness Week 2007-03-08
Explore your brain with the experts. Montreal neuroscientists join forces next week to shed light on the grayest of matters-our gray matter- during the upcoming Brain Awareness Week (March 12-16). ...

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Fighting the stigma of mental illness 2007-03-08
Douglas hosts two-day conference
Unlike physical ailments, many mental illnesses are associated with stigma. Whether it is self-directed or from society, dealing with this shame can be debilitating and interfere with daily living....

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Corporate Montreal Demonstrates Stigma Around Mental Illness is Waning 2007-03-01
Mr. Jacques Lamarre, O.C., Honorary President of the Douglas Institute Foundation's 10th Annual Dinner and Wine Tasting Event, and President and CEO of SNC-Lavalin Group, announced February 20th th...

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Reducing Falls: A Douglas Solution 2007-02-28
Can we reduce the number of falls in the elderly patient population? A combination of stricter guidelines and a homegrown falls assessment tool may do the trick. A Priority In recent years,...

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Douglas New Board of Directors 2007-02-28
Last fall, hospitals throughout Quebec held elections and designations for their new boards of directors. At the Douglas, 12 new members joined 11 experienced members. Here’s a summary of their...

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