Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Claire-Dominique Walker, Ph.D.

Directrice, Division de recherche en neurosciences, Institut Douglas
Chercheuse, Institut Douglas
Professeure titulaire, Départements de psychiatrie et d'anatomie et biologie cellulaire, Université McGill



King S., Mancini-Marie A., Brunet A., Walker C., Meaney M., Laplante D. (2009). Prenatal maternal stress from a natural disaster predicts dermatoglyphic asymmetry in humans, Dev Psychopathol , 21 (2 ), 343-53.

Lamont E. W., Boivin D., Lalinec M., Beaulieu S., Ng Ying Kin N. M. K., Walker C. (2009). Circadian variation of sleep and periodic leg movements in a bipolar man, Sleep Med .

de Medeiros C. B., Fleming A. S., Johnston C. C., Walker C. (2009). Artificial rearing of rat pups reveals the beneficial effects of mother care on neonatal inflammation and adult sensitivity to pain, Pediatr Res .

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  • - Prix CCNP Jeune Chercheur
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Inauguration du Centre de neurophénotypage