Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Ashok Malla, MD, FRCPC

Director, Prevention and Early Intervention Program for Psychoses
PEPP-Montréal), Douglas Institute
Professor, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University
Canada Research Chair in Early Psychosis



Achim A. M., Bertrand M. C., Montoya A., Malla A., Lepage M. (2007). Medial temporal lobe activations during associative memory encoding for arbitrary and semantically related object pairs, Brain Res, 1161, 46-55.

Achim A. M., Bertrand M. C., Sutton H., Montoya A., Czechowska Y., Malla A., Joober R., Pruessner J., Lepage M. (2007). Selective abnormal modulation of hippocampal activity during memory formation in first-episode psychosis, Arch Gen Psychiatry, 64(9), 999-1014.

Archie S., Rush B. R., Akhtar-Danesh N., Norman R., Malla A., Roy P., Zipursky R. B. (2007). Substance use and abuse in first-episode psychosis: prevalence before and after early intervention, Schizophr Bull, 33(6), 1354-63.

Bechard-Evans L., Schmitz N., Abadi S., Joober R., King S., Malla A. (2007). Determinants of help-seeking and system related components of delay in the treatment of first-episode psychosis, Schizophr Res, 96(1-3), 206-14.

Bertrand M. C., Sutton H., Achim A. M., Malla A., Lepage M. (2007). Social cognitive impairments in first episode psychosis, Schizophr Res, 95(1-3), 124-33.

Harvey P. O., Lepage M., Malla A. (2007). Benefits of enriched intervention compared with standard care for patients with recent-onset psychosis: a metaanalytic approach, Can J Psychiatry, 52(7), 464-72.

Malla A. (2007). Remission one year after emergency admission is higher for substance-induced psychosis than primary psychosis, Evid Based Ment Health, 10(2), 41.

Malla A., Schmitz N., Norman R., Archie S., Windell D., Roy P., Zipursky R. B. (2007). A multisite Canadian study of outcome of first-episode psychosis treated in publicly funded early intervention services, Can J Psychiatry, 52(9), 563-71.

Manchanda R, Norman R. M. G., Malla A., Manocha R. (2007). Antipsychotic Use in a First Episode Psychosis Program, Int J Psychiatry Clin Pract, 11(2), 151-156.

Norman R. M., Malla A., Manchanda R. (2007). Early premorbid adjustment as a moderator of the impact of duration of untreated psychosis, Schizophr Res, 95(1-3), 111-4.

Norman R. M., Malla A., Manchanda R. (2007). Delay in treatment for psychosis : its relation to family history, Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 42(6), 507-12.

Norman R. M., Malla A., Manchanda R., Windell D., Harricharan R., Takhar J., Northcott S. (2007). Does treatment delay predict occupational functioning in first-episode psychosis?, Schizophr Res, 91(1-3), 259-62.

Norman R. M., Manchanda R., Malla A., Harricharan R., Northcott S. (2007). The significance of family history in first-episode schizophrenia spectrum disorder, J Nerv Ment Dis, 195(10), 846-52.

Norman R., Malla A., Manchanda R. (2007). Is untreated psychosis socially toxic?, Early Intervent Psychiatry, 1, 267-270.

Renoult L., Prevost M., Brodeur M., Lionnet C., Joober R., Malla A., Debruille J. (2007). P300 asymmetry and positive symptom severity: a study in the early stage of a first episode of psychosis, Schizophr Res, 93(1-3), 366-73.

Schmitz N., Malla A., Norman R., Archie S., Zipursky R. (2007). Inconsistency in the relationship between duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) and negative symptoms: sorting out the problem of heterogeneity, Schizophr Res, 93(1-3), 152-9.

Schmitz N., Wang J., Malla A., Lesage A. (2007). Joint effect of depression and chronic conditions on disability: results from a population-based study, Psychosom Med, 69(4), 332-8.

Theberge J., Williamson K. E., Aoyama N., Drost D. J., Manchanda R., Malla A., Northcott S., Menon R. S., Neufeld R. W., Rajakumar N., Pavlosky W., Densmore M., Schaefer B., Williamson P. C. (2007). Longitudinal grey-matter and glutamatergic losses in first-episode schizophrenia, Br J Psychiatry, 191, 325-34.

Vracotas N., Schmitz N., Joober R., Malla A. (2007). Subjective distress in first-episode psychosis: Role of symptoms and self-esteem, Early Intervent Psychiatry, 1(3), 251-258.

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  • - Exemplary Psychiatrist Award
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Complicated but rare : schizophrenia and bipolar disorders. A 2007 lecture by Ridha Joober (Q&A in French)
Complicated but rare : schizophrenia and bipolar disorders. A 2007 lecture by Ridha Joober (in French)