Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Duncan Pedersen, MD, MPH

Associate Scientific Director, International Programs, Douglas Institute
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry, McGill University
Lecturer, Department of Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School



Caron J., Pedersen D., Perreault M., Fleury M., Crocker A., Brunet A., Tremblay J., Beaulieu S., Turecki G., Nair N., Daniel M., Cargo M., Kestin M., Tousignant M. (2009). First results on the Mental Health of the Population living in Epidemiologic Catchment Area in Montreal, Canada, World Psychiatry, 8(supp1), 244.

Kirmayer L.J., Kienzler H., Afana A., Pedersen D. (2009). Trauma and disasters in social and cultural context . In D. Bhugra, C. Morgan (Ed.) , Principles of Social Psychiatry . New York Wiley-Blackwell.

Pedersen D. (2009). Globalización, salud y sistemas médicos andinos . In Riedel F. & Sánchez R. (Eds.) , Medicina Tradicional Andina: planteamientos y aproximaciones . Centro Bartolomé de las Casas/Centro de Medicina Andina.

Pedersen D. (2009). Estigma y exclusión social en las enfermedades mentales: apuntes para el análisis y diseño de intervenciones, Acta Psiquiatr Psicol Am Lat , 55 (1 ), 39-50.

Tremblay J., Pedersen D., Errazuriz C. (2009). Assessing mental health outcomes of political violence and civil unrest in Peru, Int J Soc Psychiatry , 55 (5 ), 449-63.

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Awards and distinctions :
  • - Senior editor in the medical anthropology section for the Social Sciences & Medicine journal
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