Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Michael Meaney, C.M., PhD, C.Q., FRSC

Scientific Director at the Ludmer Centre for Neuroinformatics and Mental Health at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute,
Researcher, Douglas Institute
James McGill Professor, Departments of Psychiatry and Neurology and Neurosurgery, McGill University
Director, Program for the Study of Behaviour, Genes and Environment, McGill University



Bagot R.C., van Hasselt F.N., Champagne D.L., Meaney M., Krugers H.J., Joels M. (2009). Maternal care determines rapid effects of stress mediators on synaptic plasticity in adult rat hippocampal dentate gyrus, Neurobiol Learn Mem, 92(3), 292-300.

Broekman B.F., Chan Y.H., Chong Y.S., Quek S.C., Fung D., Low Y.L., Ooi Y.P., Gluckman P.D., Meaney M., Wong T.Y., Saw S.M. (2009). The influence of birth size on intelligence in healthy children, Pediatrics, 123(6), e1011-1016.

Engert V., Joober R., Meaney M., Hellhammer D. H., Pruessner J. (2009). Behavioral response to methylphenidate challenge: influence of early life parental care, Dev Psychobiol , 51 (5 ), 408-16.

King S., Mancini-Marie A., Brunet A., Walker C., Meaney M., Laplante D. (2009). Prenatal maternal stress from a natural disaster predicts dermatoglyphic asymmetry in humans, Dev Psychopathol , 21 (2 ), 343-53.

Kramer M. S., Lydon J., Seguin L., Goulet L., Kahn S. R., McNamara H., Genest J., Dassa C., Chen M. F., Sharma S., Meaney M., Thomson S., Van Uum S., Koren G., Dahhou M., Lamoureux J., Platt R. W. (2009). Stress pathways to spontaneous preterm birth: the role of stressors, psychological distress, and stress hormones, Am J Epidemiol , 169 (11 ), 1319-26.

McGowan P. O., Sasaki A., D'Alessio A. C., Dymov S., Labonte B., Szyf M., Turecki G., Meaney M. (2009). Epigenetic regulation of the glucocorticoid receptor in human brain associates with childhood abuse, Nat Neurosci , 12 (3 ), 342-8.

Szyf M., Weaver I., Provencal N., McGowan P. O., Tremblay J., Meaney M. (2009). Epigenetics and Behavior . In Tremblay R. E., van Aken M. A. G., Koops W. & Tremblay R. E. (Eds.) , Development and Prevention of Behaviour Problems: From Genes to Social Policy (pp. 25-60). Psychology Press.

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  • - Wilder-Penfield Award
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