Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Marie-Josée Fleury, Ph.D.

Chercheuse, Institut Douglas
Professeure agrégée, Département de psychiatrie, Université McGill



Piat M., Boyer R., Cloutier S., Fleury M., Lesage A. (2012). Les conditions d’hébergement favorables au rétablissement : perspective des usagers et usagères, Revue canadienne de santé mentale communautaire, 30(1), 67-85.

Vanasse A., Courteau J., Fleury M., Gregoire J.P., Lesage A., Moisan J. (2012). Treatment prevalence and incidence of schizophrenia in Quebec using a population health services perspective: different algorithms, different estimates, Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 47(4), 533-543. En savoir plus.

Vanasse A., Courteau J., Lesage A., Fleury M., Gregoire J. P., Moisan J., Lauzier S., Bergeron C. (2012). [Inegalites de sante des troubles de l'humeur selon la defavorisation materielle et sociale du quartier de residence.], Can J Psychiatry, 57(12), 772-781. En savoir plus.


Fleury M. (2011). Les soins partagés au Québec: modèles et état d’implantation, PLURIELS, 92-93(Octobre), 14-15.

Fleury M. (2011). Application des réseaux intégrés de services en santé mentale au Québec: contexte d’implantation, état de la mise en œuvre et opinions des omnipraticiens, Santé publique, 23(6), S155-S159.

Fleury M., Grenier G., Bamvita J.M., Caron J. (2011). Mental health service utilization among patients with severe mental disorders, Community Ment Health J, 47(4), 365-377. En savoir plus.

Fleury M., Grenier G., Bamvita J.M., Perreault M., Caron J. (2011). Typology of adults diagnosed with mental disorders based on socio-demographics and clinical and service use characteristics, BMC Psychiatry, 11(1), 67. En savoir plus.

Jiwani I., Fleury M. (2011). Divergent modes of integration: the Canadian way, Int J Integr Care, 11, Spec 10th Anniversary Ed, e018. En savoir plus.

Piat M., Sabetti J., Fleury M., Boyer R., Lesage A. (2011). "Who believes most in me and in my recovery": the importance of families for persons with serious mental illness living in structured community housing, J Soc Work Disabil Rehabil, 10(1), 49-65. En savoir plus.


Fleury M., Bamvita J.-M., Aubé D., Tremblay J. (2010). Clinical practice settings associated with GPs taking on patients with mental disorders, Healthcare Policy, 5(4), 90-104.

Fleury M., Bamvita J.M., Tremblay J., Lesage A. (2010). Extent and Determinants of General Practitioner Referrals and Contacts With Mental Health Care Providers, Can J Commun Ment Health, 29(2).

Fleury M., Grenier G., Bamvita J.M, Caron J. (2010). Professional service utilisation among patients with severe mental disorders, BMC Health Serv Res, 10, 141.

Fleury M., Latimer E., Vallée C. (2010). La réforme en santé mentale. Des services plus accessibles et continus pour une clientèle vulnérable ?, Revue le point en administration de la santé, Numéro spécial sur le 5e anniversaire de la réforme du système québécois de santé, 6(1), 33-39.

Fleury M., Piat M., Grenier G., Bamvita J. M., Boyer R., Lesage A., Tremblay J. (2010). Components Associated with Adequacy of Help for Consumers with Severe Mental Disorders, Adm Policy Ment Health, 37 (6 ), 497-508.

Ngui A.N., Fleury M., Caron J., Perreault M. (2010). A path analysis model of mental health service utilization, Int J Adv Stud Res Afr, 1(2), 177-186.

Ngui-Ngamini A., Fleury M., Perreault M., Caron J. (2010). Mental health service utilization in an inner-city of Montreal: A causal model approach, Canadian Journal of Regional Science, 33(3), 35-48.

Palley H.A., Fleury M. (2010). Integrated Health and Social Services in Quebec: Some Lessons for Health Care System Reform in Russia . Dans R.M. Timko, A.H. Kubyshkin, I.A. Sukov (Éd.) , Representations of Canada: Cross-Cultural Reflections on Canadian Society , 7 (pp. 118-130). Volgograd, Russia: Ophset Press.

Wiktorowicz M. E., Fleury M., Adair C. E., Lesage A., Goldner E., Peters S. (2010). Mental health network governance: comparative analysis across Canadian regions, Int J Integr Care, 10, e60. En savoir plus.


Caron J., Pedersen D., Perreault M., Fleury M., Crocker A., Brunet A., Tremblay J., Beaulieu S., Turecki G., Nair N., Daniel M., Cargo M., Kestin M., Tousignant M. (2009). First results on the Mental Health of the Population living in Epidemiologic Catchment Area in Montreal, Canada, World Psychiatry, 8(supp1), 244.

Fleury M. (2009). [Mental Health in primary care.], Sante Ment Que , 34 (1 ), 19-34.

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