Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Jacques Tremblay, MD

President, Council of Physicians, Dentists and Pharmacists, Douglas Institute
Researcher, Douglas Institute
Assistant professor, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University
Secretary-Treasurer, Association des CMDP du Québec



Brown T., Ouimet M.C., Nadeau L., Gianoulakis C., Lepage M., Tremblay J., Dongier M. (2009). From the brain to bad behaviour and back again: neurocognitive and psychobiological mechanisms of driving while impaired by alcohol, Drug Alcohol Rev, 28(4), 406-418.

Caron J., Pedersen D., Perreault M., Fleury M., Crocker A., Brunet A., Tremblay J., Beaulieu S., Turecki G., Nair N., Daniel M., Cargo M., Kestin M., Tousignant M. (2009). First results on the Mental Health of the Population living in Epidemiologic Catchment Area in Montreal, Canada, World Psychiatry, 8(supp1), 244.

Fleury M., Bamvita J. M., Tremblay J. (2009). Variables associated with general practitioners taking on serious mental disorder patients, BMC Fam Pract , 10 , 41.

Tremblay J., Pedersen D., Errazuriz C. (2009). Assessing mental health outcomes of political violence and civil unrest in Peru, Int J Soc Psychiatry , 55 (5 ), 449-63.

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